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After-School Camp

Wedgwood Elementary

In close partnership with the school community, HOFTC provides after-school enrichment programming on-site. We work with many amazing locally owned businesses to deliver a diverse menu of classes for families to choose from.



Registration opens:

Monday, January 13 at 9am

Session Dates:

February 4 to April 3

Non School Days:

Feb 18 & Feb 20 (Mid-Winter Break)

Session FLyer

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Get Prepared In Advance

You must have a parent account to enroll in any program. We recommend creating an online account plus camper profiles, and fill out all required/necessary forms before registration opens.

Registration opens

January 13

2024-25 Calendar

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HOF popsicle smiles.jpeg


Non School Days:




September 6 - November 3

(8.5 weeks)

Non School Days:

October 13

Registration Opens Jan. 13 at 9am


April 22 to June 12

(8 weeks)

Non School Days:


Registration Opens March 24 at 9am

Pricing & Registration


We offer 3 Sessions per school year,

with a variety of class options, from visual arts to sports to STEM, and much more.

Multiple classes per day help support families' unique schedules while giving kids the variety they love.


Tuesdays and Thursdays
Block 1 "Standard"
Block 1 "Long"
Block 2
Buy a Class

Buy a Class for


per class, detailed in current session flyers.


We offer a great variety of classes for you to choose from. Pick a class or classes that your child will enjoy and sign up!

Listed price is for the entire session. View the session flyer for schedule and pricing.

  • HOFTC is not a licensed childcare provider

  • There is no after-school enrichment classes on SPS non-school days.

  • Not all activities will be offered for all ages in every session.

  • Unless otherwise indicated, all ages are welcome to join any class. Kids will be divided into appropriate age groups daily.

  • Pricing by class type and time varies, as detailed in the current session offerings.
    Note: Partner-led classes are typically sold at a higher price than HOFTC-led classes.

Class Descriptions

Classes vary by session.

Subject to change. Be sure to view the Session Flyer for current lineup & pricing!

1on1 Sports: After-School Hoops

(K-2nd Grade, Min 10/Max 18)

Join One-on-One Basketball this semester for After School Hoops®, an ideal after school activity for aspiring athletes. Basketball is a unique sport that combines upper and lower body motor-skill learning with an intense cardiovascular workout. Our organization has decades of experience teaching this sport in a motivating, inclusive and age-appropriate manor. After School Hoops® makes three guarantees: your child will learn, sweat, and have fun!


Bricks 4 Kidz: Brick City Engineers 

(K-3rd Grade, Min 8/Max 14)

Join Bricks 4 Kidz to build city themed models using LEGO® bricks. Let's put our engineering and architecture skills to work! Students will have a blast using custom-built cranes, planes, bulldozers and more to move the people of the city all around town. The sky's the limit - Let's build a city!


CraftLab Seattle: Under the Sea

(1st-5th Grade, Min 8/Max 12)

Create art that is inspired by the ocean - underwater animals and plants. We will make crafts (mini aquariums, watercolor manta rays, fish windsocks, leaf fishes, jellyfish suncatchers). We will use upcycled, donated, and thrifted material each week so bring your creativity, your best cutting and gluing skills and of course a willingness to have fun with CraftLab Seattle! If you joined us last year, we will be doing the same theme with more fun projects.


Creative Coding

(3rd-5th Grade, Min 5/Max 12)

Creative Coding teaches your child to code by helping them make their own custom video games! Our Project based, multi-level classes are amazingly fun yet very effective in teaching creative problem solving AND emotional resilience. As the students bring their ideas to life, they iterate through the emotional cycle of Coding (idea>excitement>effort> frustration>more effort>triumph!) with our support and positive encouragement. Repeating this cycle not only builds great coders, but more importantly, develops emotional persistence that will help students enjoy taking on new challenges in all aspects of their lives. Students new to coding will participate in the Creative Coding core curriculum, learning the fundamental elements of coding using MIT's Scratch to create their very own computer games! Many parents and educators are realizing that the benefits of learning to code at a young age extend far beyond the skill itself. Through the "brain exercise" of coding, coders build intelligence like athletes build muscles. Just as importantly, they develop stronger problem-solving skills, confidence over technology, and emotional persistence.


HOFTC: Choose Your Own Adventure

(K-5th Grade, Max 8)

Would your child like to join friends for an organized active game led by one of our experienced counselors? Would they prefer to play an indoor board game or card game? How about solo time to color or work on homework? Maybe they just need some less-structured free-time on the playground or field (rain or shine!) after school to burn off excess energy and engage in free play. We offer all of those options! Choose Your Own Adventure allows each child to recharge after school in their own way, without screens and with proper supervision.


Kids Carpentry Seattle

(K-5th Grade, Min 5/Max 8)

Kids' Carpentry is a hands-on toy building experience designed to teach kids practical woodworking skills with an emphasis on the safe use of hand tools. While kids construct fun and exciting projects, they are also empowered to become independent thinkers--building confidence, self-esteem, and a repertoire of practical skills that will last them a lifetime. At the end of the session kids will bring home one or more wooden games or toys that they have built by hand from scratch.


Mad Science: Ready, STEM, Go!

(1st-5th Grade, Min 12/Max 20)

In this program children learn foundational science and find out how STEM is at work in the world around them! They will learn about the animal kingdom, both on land and under the sea, make mixtures, explore the science of motion and energy, and discover the technology that powers our modern world. Weekly topics include: All About Animals, Energy Burst!, Get Connected, Life in the Sea, Mix It Up, Moving Motion, Radical Robots, and Super Power Sources. At the end of every class, participants will take home an educational toy that extends the learning experience!


Pacifica Writer’s Workshop: Comic Class

(1st-5th Grade, Min 4/Max 14)

Do you have a young artist or perhaps a superhero in the household? In our comic book class, students will learn the basics of

comic writing. They will then create their very own comic books.


Tabletop Village: Pokémon Club

(2nd-5th Grade, Min 8/Max 18)

By providing lessons for children to trade and learn how to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game, your children will learn how to contextualize their reading and math skills, long term strategic thinking and planning, how to make fair and equitable trades, and how to be a kind and sportsmanlike competitor. Our certified Pokémon Professors will provide, decks for children to play with (all levels of play) among - other materials, teaching materials and educational games (Pokécatch, Attach and Attack, Raid Battles, etc.), and high-quality lessons/presentations on how to play Pokémon TCG.


Wedgwood Drama Studio: After-School Drama

(K-2nd Grade, Min 8/Max 20)

Come explore the Dramatic Arts in a supportive and fun environment! Through theater games and exercises, students will explore how actors use their bodies, voices and imaginations to tell stories and create characters. Whether you are new to the stage or consider yourself a veteran performer there will be something for everyone in this creative class.

Our Partners

Scholarships are available


For information on scholarships, please contact the Director of After-School Programs, Sara Ray: 

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